veggyPoint is neutral

veggyPoint does not take a political position

veggyPoint does not take a religious position

veggyPoint does not take a health position

Data protection information VEGGYPOINT

Scope of application:

For the VEGGYPOINT apps, e.g. from the Apple Appstore as well as the website (.eu/.de/.fr/.com).

Personal data in the context of contacting us

Your personal data (e.g. name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.), which are transmitted by you, for example by contact form or e-mail, are only processed by us in accordance with the provisions of German and European data protection law. Data are personal if they can be clearly assigned to a specific natural person. The legal basis can be found in the European Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG). Also important are specific court decisions that can supplement the current legislation.

When using the contact form or receiving an e-mail, we only collect personal data to the extent provided by you. We only use the data you provide to process your enquiry. The processing of this data is thus based exclusively on your consent, which you can revoke at any time. For this purpose, an informal communication by e-mail to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing operations carried out until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation. The data you have provided will remain with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to store it or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies, e.g. after we have completed processing your enquiry. Mandatory legal provisions - in particular retention periods - remain unaffected. Your data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.

Data processing when installing the VEGGYPOINT app

When downloading the VEGGYPOINT app (e.g. from the Apple Appstore), the necessary information is transferred to the respective store operator. VEGGYPOINT has no influence on this data collection and is not responsible for the processing. The corresponding data protection information of the respective app store operator applies.

VEGGYPOINT GmbH processes the data provided by the respective app store operator insofar as this is necessary for downloading the VEGGYPOINT app to the end device.

For the technical functionality of the VEGGYPOINT app and for the provision of the services offered with the VEGGYPOINT app, VEGGYPOINT requires various access options and information.

Depending on the operating system, permission for access to individual functions and information is already requested during the installation process. The access permissions include, among other things, the location, notifications and mobile data.

Under the settings of the end device, these permissions can be partially withdrawn manually. However, it must be taken into account that the VEGGYPOINT app can only be used to a limited extent or not at all without the corresponding permissions. Depending on the app version, permissions are requested before or after installation.

Data processing when visiting the VEGGYPOINT homepage or the VEGGYPOINT app

VEGGYPOINT uses the personal data that the user provides or that accrues when using VEGGYPOINT without creating a user profile without separate consent exclusively for the purpose of implementing the user relationship and out of legitimate interest in accordance with this data protection notice.

When merely visiting a VEGGYPOINT homepage or installing the VEGGYPOINT app without creating a user profile, VEGGYPOINT collects the following data transmitted by the user's terminal device or browser:

- IP address

- name of the website called up, file, date and time of the request

- amount of data transferred

- browser type and version

- Operating system and version

- Referrer URL (URL of origin)

- Provider involved

As well as the following additional data transmitted by the user's terminal device when the VEGGYPOINT app is merely installed without registration or creation of a user profile:

- Push Handle (for sending push messages).

- Location data (GPS), provided that the user has authorised the app in his device.

    has given the app permission

- Language

- Device data, such as manufacturer, device type, advertising ID.

This data is required for the use of the VEGGYPOINT homepage or installation of the VEGGYPOINT app as such. The data is stored in log files for the prevention and combating of fake profiles, illegal actions and spam as well as for ensuring the integrity, stability and availability of the VEGGYPOINT platform, which are automatically deleted after 60 days.

The location data is collected, processed and used so that the user can be offered suggestions tailored to the respective location.

Data processing after creating a user profile and when using the offer of the VEGGYPOINT app or VEGGYPOINT homepage

VEGGYPOINT uses the personal data that the user provides or that accrues when using VEGGYPOINT after creating a user profile without separate consent exclusively for the purpose of implementing the user relationship and for the legitimate interest of VEGGYPOINT in accordance with this data protection notice. For full use of VEGGYPOINT, it is advisable for the user to create a user profile and present himself or herself in accordance with his or her interests. For this purpose, further personal data may be provided, which is used to provide the respective service.

User data

User profile

The following information must be provided when creating the user profile:

- Name

- E-mail address

- Password

This data is collected, processed and used for the purpose of using VEGGYPOINT. Among other things, the information is used for addressing and authentication.

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. b) DSGVO or Art. 6 I lit. f) DSGVO.

Facebook Connect

It is possible to register for VEGGYPOINT with Facebook Connect. To register, the user is redirected to the Facebook page, where he or she logs in with his or her user data, unless he or she is already logged in. By clicking on the user, the respective Facebook profile and the user profile at VEGGYPOINT are then linked with each other. Through the link, VEGGYPOINT GmbH automatically receives the user's data from Facebook in the form of the email address and other data within the user's public Facebook profile.

This information is used for the user profile. Further information on Facebook Connect and the privacy settings can be found in the data protection information and the terms of use of Facebook at

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. a) DSGVO.

Register via Google

It is possible to register for VEGGYPOINT with one's Google account. To register, the user is redirected to the Google page, where he or she logs in with his or her user data, unless he or she is already logged in. The user then clicks to link the respective Google profile and the user profile at VEGGYPOINT. Through the link, VEGGYPOINT GmbH automatically receives the user's data from Google in the form of the email address and other data.

This information is used for the user profile. Further information on "logging in via Google" and the privacy settings can be found in the data protection information and the terms of use of Google at

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. a) DSGVO.


The user can make voluntary entries in his or her user profile under settings, which serve to optimise the presentation of the profile. Accordingly, the probability of coming into contact with matching user profiles increases. This information is voluntary for the user and can be viewed or entered, changed or deleted in the profile under settings.

The data provided is collected, processed and used by us for the purpose of using VEGGYPOINT. This voluntary information is visible to other logged-in users within VEGGYPOINT.

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. b) DSGVO or Art. 6 I lit. f) DSGVO.

Information on vaccination status:

The user can provide information on vaccination status and preferred vaccination status. From this information, other users (and VEGGYPOINT) can infer the vaccination status.

If such information on vaccination status is provided, we process the information on the basis of consent in accordance with Art. 9 II lit. a) DSGVO insofar as Art. 9 II lit. e) DGSVO, insofar as the information on vaccination status was provided publicly.

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. a) DSGVO, Art. 6 I lit. b) DSGVO or Art. 6 I lit. f) DSGVO.

To withdraw consent to the processing on the preferred vaccination status, please send an email to with the subject "Widerruf Datennutzung Impfstatus".

Information on sexual orientation

The user can provide information on gender and preferred gender. From this information, other users (and VEGGYPOINT) may infer sexual orientation.

If such information on sexual orientation is provided, we process the information on the basis of consent in accordance with Art. 9 II lit. a) DSGVO insofar as or Art. 9 II lit. e) DGSVO insofar as the information on sexual orientation was provided publicly.

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. a) DSGVO, Art. 6 I lit. b) DSGVO or Art. 6 I lit. f) DSGVO.

To revoke consent to processing on preferred gender, please send an email to with the subject "Revocation data use sexual orientation".

Location data

VEGGYPOINT's service includes the ability to display specific offers tailored to your location - in particular, to display other users.

Prior to the initial collection of location data, the user must allow the collection of location data. If the location collection is active, the location is regularly transmitted to VEGGYPOINT and processed and used there.

The user can adjust this function in the settings of the operating system on his end device at any time, i.e. allow the collection of location data or revoke its use.

We store location data in unabbreviated form for up to 14 days and in abbreviated form for up to 90 days.

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. b) or f ) DSGVO.

Payment data

The VEGGYPOINT service is booked via external payment providers. No payment data is collected and processed by VEGGYPOINT in the event of a purchase.

Other data transfer to third countries / third party services

Data transfers to third countries take place, but only in compliance with the legally regulated admissibility requirements. Data is transferred to the following countries in compliance with the respective legal admissibility requirements:

- USA (EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement or EU standard contractual clauses)

- India (EU standard contractual clauses)

The Privacy Shield Agreement, the adequacy decision and the EU standard contractual clauses are available on the website of the EU Commission (


VEGGYPOINT uses technology from CloudFlare Inc to protect the VEGGYPOINT platform and increase security and stability. For this purpose, CloudFlare and VEGGYPOINT set cookies and process and analyse other device and network data in order to distinguish legitimate VEGGYPOINT users from hackers, SPAMM and the like. Cloudflare processes the data exclusively on behalf of VEGGYPOINT and not for its own purposes. Further information on data protection at CloudFlare can be found at the following link:

The legal basis is Art. 6 I lit. f DSGVO. VEGGYPOINT has a legitimate interest in keeping its platform stable and free from attacks, SPAM, legal violations and fake profiles.

Data deletion

With the active deletion of the user profile or corresponding notification to us, all collected data of the user will be deleted or anonymised. In addition, the user can delete individual data in the profile himself/herself at any time or request this from us via a corresponding notification.

Excluded from the deletion is data that must be retained due to legal regulations, for the execution of contracts or for the fulfilment of contracts with other users. In the event of deletion, VEGGYPOINT therefore does not delete the following data in particular immediately, but only after a period of time has expired:

- Payment data after the expiry of the statutory retention periods.

- Messages shared with other users in chats are deleted when both users have deleted their profiles.

If deletion is not possible, the data will be anonymised or blocked.

VEGGYPOINT reserves the right to check profile files before deletion and, if necessary, to back them up if, due to certain facts, there is a suspicion that the user profiles are being used by VEGGYPOINT in breach of the law or in breach of contract. This serves to protect the users of VEGGYPOINT's offers.

VEGGYPOINT creates backups to secure the data, which are each overwritten after 14 days and thus permanently deleted. If these backups contain log files, these are also deleted. In the event of the complete deletion of a user profile, the log files will also be deleted.

 You can obtain information about the data we have stored about you free of charge and transparently at any time.

As a common format, we create a CSV file for this purpose, which can be read across platforms and is therefore also suitable in principle for transferring the data to another system.

Furthermore, you can object to the storage of your data and request a change or deletion if there are no legal or contractual requirements to the contrary.

If deletion is not permitted due to legal or contractual retention obligations, the data will be blocked until this obligation no longer exists.

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR.

Name and address of the controller: Contact person for questions, information and changes

veggyPoint (UG in process)

Ms Neslihan Challot

Am Grünen Winkel 18

33609 Bielefeld, Germany

Phone: 00495214283012

